Social Media Marketing

We talk to companies that range from those who use social media daily to those who have never used it at all. The one thing these companies have in common is that, in most cases, they give us the same answer when we ask them how much revenue is generated from their social media accounts - "I don't know".

At StrikeForce every social media action has a purpose. It may be to grow your client base, engage your existing client base, or even just show off your company's unique personality. Whatever the purpose, the goal is always the same: to grow your company's revenue.


We understand that having a great social media presence is important; but it is even more important for it to be profitable. Here's how we make sure that happens:



The first step is to determine how many of your customers and potential customers are actively using social media to find your company's products and services. We gather this information and create a detailed report to review with you.


Using the information we have gathered, we create a detailed social media strategy that both acquires new customers and retains your existing customer base. This strategy may include more than just the usual Facebook account. Depending on your business model, it may also include Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp, and other potentially powerful social media sites/apps. This includes content generation, contests and promotions, social media partnerships and more.


Our social media experts will carefully execute this social media strategy across all of the social media sites selected. They can handle this autonomously or in partnership with your internal staff.

Track & Report

Like everything else we do, the results of all social media activities are carefully tracked so they can be attributed to revenue. We review these results with you at our regularly scheduled meetings and use them to continually to develop new social media strategies to help your company grow.

Let's Talk!