Web Design

Creating your website is the easy part. The real work comes in getting people to find your website and make a purchase! The success of your websites comes down to a three step process:

  1. Getting your website listed on the search engines.
  2. Getting potential customers to click on your link; and,
  3. Getting them to contact you or make a purchase.

Ask yourself this, how much money does your website make for your company? Do you know how many people visit your website but never become customers of your business? Do you know what areas of your website are effective and which ones are not? You will once you become part of the StrikeForce family!

We make some of the best websites in the world,
but more importantly, we create revenue from those sites!

At Strategic Innovations building a website is much more than making something that looks great. We follow a four step process that helps insure your success:

  1. First we work with you to we create your website. This is a collaborative process that turns your vision into a revenue generating web presence.
  2. Next, we search engine optimize your website to begin the process of getting you listed on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. To be effective, search engine optimization needs to be an ongoing process, but our initial work will get your website listed.
  3. Then we establish all of your social media accounts including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. In today’s online marketplace no website is complete with our social media accounts. In many cases social media generates even more revenue than your website will!
  4. Lastly, we track and analyze everything that happens on your website in order to figure out what is working and what is not. Using this information, we’ll work together to develop new strategies that continue to grow your busines.

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